[Under the stars] [Nightmare comfort] [Bad dream] [Scared listener] [Distraction] [Reassurance] [Sweet] [I'm here] [I've got you] [F4A]
Hi my Blueberry,
A nightmare leads you to run outside, but luckily, your girlfriend knows how to comfort you. "I'm here, I've got you".
Enjoy listening, X Cleo
* Allow your imagination to escape with me *
Script "Under the stars" by Lupinstolemyheart check them out on Twitter.
Recording and editing by Miss Cleo Audio
Graphic design by Oranjiyo : https://twitter.com/oranjiyo_
Thumbnail art by Picrew
You can find all my social media on:
#ASMR #girlfriendroleplay #misscleoaudio #misscleo #audio #girlfriendaudio #audioroleplay #roleplay #audio #girlfriendexperience #comfort #sleepaid #affirmations #positiveaffirmations #series #strangerstofriends #strangerstolovers #friendstolovers #lovestrory #love #reassurance #comforting #sliceoflife #confession #VA #voiceacting #cuddles #snuggles #kisses #sweet #wholesome #funny #whispering #softspoken #whisper #laughing #giggles #nightmare #underthestars #stargazing #Allowyourimaginationtoescapewithme
affirmations anxiety asmr audio boyfriend Breathing cleo comfort couple cuddles experience gf girlfriend kisses MISS positief rain reassurance reverse roleplay rp sick Sleep Aid sleepy sounds taking care