
Published 7 months ago

❤【日本語ASMR】❤【J-ASMR】❤【Japanese ASMR】❤【ASMR】❤【Personal Attention】❤【外人が日本語を話すw】




00:00 チャンネルメンバーの皆様、いつもの応援をありがとうございます
01:52 ローション耳マッサージ
06:25 ハトムギジェルを使ったジェルの耳マッサージ
07:34 ゆにの動画再生数と登録者数がどんどん減ってて病んでます😥ハトムギジェルの耳マッサージと頭皮マッサージ
11:24 ジェルパッドを使って耳マッサージ、頭皮マッサージ
14:24 ローションの耳マッサージ、ゆにこの音大好き
15:36 最近日本人友達との会話のほうが好き、外人と話してると会話が自分勝手すぎて疲れる
16:42 ベビーオイルの耳マッサージ、ベビーオイルの頭皮マッサージ
17:13 お耳のクリーニング、小さいブラシでお耳をきれいにします
17:41 この前買った漫画
18:12 最近読んでる漫画は呪術廻戦17巻、クローバー5巻とヲたくに恋は難しい1巻
18:57 もっとベビーオイル耳マッサージ、頭皮マッサージ
19:47 ベビーオイルと顔をマッサージしてくれるシリコンパッドの顔マッサージ
26:37 石鹸を花の形に泡立ててくれるポンプが全然使えないゆにw 泡の耳マッサージ、顔マッサージと頭皮マッサージ
31:07 パーフェクトホイップの洗顔を泡立てすぎたw泡たっぷりの耳マッサージ、頭皮マッサージ
36:33 これからももっと日本語で撮影するので是非チャンネル登録お願いします😍


English below~

🎀 A full Japanese ASMR video featuring Lots of FOAM and gel-y ear massage sounds, and amazing head massage sounds 👂🏻💆🏼‍♀️ Decided to switch it up and just post a Japanese only video since my channel is dying and I don't know what else to do any more lolz Trying to revitalize my channel but I also don't really know what to do~ I hope my English speakers still like it with just the Japanese whispering. There is plenty of tingly ear massage, head massage and face massage sounds throughout ✨ I love all the foam sounds, so I used both a foaming cleanser and a foaming hand wash! Also, the lovely hatomugi gel ear massage too 😍 I hope you still enjoy the video and I'll speak to you very soon 🥰

🎀 The goal is to reach 100k subscribers this year! You can help by doing the four things below, it really helps the channel out 🥰😘 Thank you!!
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📺 Video Chapters 📺
00:00 thank you members ilysm, lotion ear massage
01:52 lotion ear massage
06:25 gel-y ear massage with hatomugi face gel
07:34 channel update & hatomugi gel ear massage and head massage
11:24 ear massage with gel pads, realised it sounds better used as a head massage prop
14:24 lotion ear massage, i love these sounds
15:36 i prefer conversations with japanese friends rather than english-speaking friends
16:42 baby oil ear massage & baby oil head massage
17:13 cleaning your ears with small brush
17:41 my latest manga haul lol
18:12 manga i've been reading recently: jjk 17, clover 5, wotakuni koiwa muzukashii 1
18:57 more baby oil ear massage and baby oil head massage
19:47 baby oil face massage with face massage pads
26:37 foamy ear massage, foamy head massage, why doesn't the flower shaped foaming bottle work for me?
31:07 using perfect whip face cleanser to clean your ears and face with lots of foam
36:33 subscribe for more j-asmr~!

#asmruniy #earmassageasmr #earmassage


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