[ASMR] Mouthsounds !! With New Homemade "3dio" Mic Test !!

Published 6 years ago

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Patreon : http://Patreon.com/Nightmarecatcher17
Paypal : https://streamlabs.com/nightmarecatcher17
Amazon Wishlist: http://a.co/bCa7R5X


Interested In a Custom Video/Audio?
Message me at [email protected] for one!
To note: Custom video/audio requests should be non NSFW. Creator has the rights to decline any request she feels uncomfortable with. Additional props/costumes may include additional charges.

ASMR Audio (10 mins) : $20 (30mins): $40
ASMR Trigger Video (10 mins) : $30 (20mins) : $50 (30mins) : $60
ASMR Roleplay Video (10 mins) : $50

~Special Thanks to~
Sean Maline, Raphy Paulino, Roel Vandecapelle, Vondell Norman, Shiloh D C, Luis Jorge, Dennis W, Ardusades, Brian, Tommi Mannonen, William Hilberer, Victor Torres, Nick Playfair, Alexander Renkov


asmr homemade mic mic test mouthsounds test

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