[BINAURAL ASMR] Q&A Whisper Ramble! (ear to ear whispering)

softlygaloshes ASMR
Published 8 years ago

MUSIC TASTE / LAST.FM: http://last.fm/user/omgpinkjello BOOKS I READ / GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5124212-rebekah ANIME I ...


asmr binaural asmr binaural beats donna asmr draw my life Ear to Ear Whispering fairy char asmr fatfr33pudding gentlewhispering Heather Feather hermetic kitten insomnia massageasmr Meditation Q and A Q&A relax sleep softlygaloshes thewaterwhispers things about me whisper ramble whispering whispersred asmr

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