Hello my SAS-Squad,
As promised, here it is. I hope you can laugh as hard as we were laughing. I had more but these were the only videos I have, I usually just delete my videos after I post them. But from now on I will make sure to keep them so I can do more of these bloopers in the future. It was really funny going back and re-watching this... was laughing so hard, such a great stress reliever. I hope you guys enjoy this short video.
Kisses all around and I will see you in the comments. #iloveyouMySAS-Squad
Want more of my sister? Go and say hi to her on her own channel and get to know her kids too :)).
N.E. Lets Eat
Be sure to check out my playlist, I have many many MANY videos for you to enjoy. Thank you so much for being here and spending time with me, I really appreciate it. Kisses all around. #LoveYouMySasSquad
Hit that red button :)
http://www.youtube.com/c/SASitTUBE For more videos :))).
Find me on Instagram: @sasittube
Any other inquiries : [email protected]
asmr ASMRnotalking asmrsushi bigbite chewing closeup coolsuntime crackling crunch ddeong-gae eating EatingNoTalking gulp gulping letseat mesmerizing mineeeats mukbang Notalking relaxation relaxing sas-asmr sas-squad sasittube soothing sounds sushi tingles trigger triggers 音フェチ 뽀모 베스트BJ