ASMR| Using Only RED Triggers🖍 📕 ♥️ 🌶 👠 👹 🌹

Oliwka ASMR
Published 3 years ago

I did another preview for a video... uuuu!!!
-Tell me if you like them? or if you don't really mind...

I'm not so satisfied with this_particular_video, however I'm SO happy with all the colour themed videos that I have planned and will be uploading in the next days, and most likely continue next week. Meanwhile uploading other fun videos...
I can't wait for you to see them!

I did mention that I'm starting a new job, I'm not 100% sure about my schedule as of now... yet I really do hope I will still find time to film and upload videos for you...

This means a lot for me that I have people watching and really enjoying my content... it's quite amazing and I'm so grateful.

Please stay safe, spread love and no matter what remember that we all are people. Humans, we only are JUST people. We deserve love. We deserve peace. We deserve happiness. We deserve rest. WE deserve understanding.
I still can't believe about what's happening in our world right now.
Why can't we learn from history, from our ancestors. None of us wants pain, hurt, anger, rage, feeling useless, feeling worthless. Yet! So many people are always on a way to make someone else feel exactly like that.
Stop the hate.
Stop the pain.
Stop trying to take sides and destroy people that want to live.
Let people LIVE.
My heart and soul can't even put it into words how much I can feel, yet not understand and wish to never experience, what so many people are going through.
I am so, so, so, sorry and I wish upon all the good, pure higher sources for this to stop, for it to just be it. It is already undeservingly too much.
People can be strong, extremely strong in all ways. That does not mean that they should have to be.
Give people back their peace and homes, lands and respect.


redasmr redtriggers

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