ASMR Big Sister Pampers You To Sleep 😴 (makeup, skincare, layered sounds)

Whispering Willow ASMR
Published 1 year ago

In ASMR Big Sister Pampers You To Sleep 😴 (makeup, skincare, layered sounds) Im your big sis and I help you get ready for your first day of school tomorrow :) My character is a little sassy to her younger sibling and pretends to be annoyed, but loves them dearly. I know lots of people are starting school and lots of people have also referred to me as a big sister they never had so I thought I would play the part. This video has LOTS of pampering and personal attention, and even a scene where you choose your own makeup. Triggers include: personal attention, makeup asmr, product tapping, layered sounds, skincare roleplay, makeup roleplay, positive affirmations, pampering asmr, spa asmr

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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Timestamps ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
0:00 Start
0:00-2:03 Intro and you interrupt me
2:03-4:34 Picking Out Your Skincare in MY bathroom
4:34-5:48 You pick out your own makeup and steal my ring smh
5:48-15:52 Full Makeup roleplay (layered sounds)
15:52-21:05 Mascara Blink Blink Blink, highlighter, freckles
21:05-29:49 FULL skincare roleplay heavy pampering
29:49-32:10 Positive affirmations and goodnight lovely!!!

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My favorite types of ASMR
- Whispers
- Rain sounds, water sounds
- Nature
- True crime
- Makeup
- Roleplays
- Hauls
What is ASMR?
Autonomous sensory meridian response, sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.

Basically I make quiet noise you go sleep sleep.


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