ASMR with paperclip nails 🖇️

Elizabeth 🐥
Published 6 months ago

beautiful people, how i’ve missed you!

Here’s something between a ramble/life appreciation/update and a paper/binder clip nails asmr (which i would love to do again with a different assortment of triggers)!

So once u finish watching you must let me know: are you team paperclips or team binder-clips ???

Alwaysalwaysalways remember that the little bubble we live in is just that. A little bubble. It’s a tinytiny bubble in this universe that myself and some fortunate others get to have and keep and call safe haven. We live it without question, without constant anxiety, without a fear of being deprived of it. Please dont let yourself/others forget that:


Love you always,
Betty 🐥

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