In today's asmr video i finally do another tuning fork video with hand sounds, but this time i added some tapping as well. Hope you enjoy it!
Suggested by Sadie and シricky :)
As always, deep/bassy sounds with the Blue Yeti mic. No talking.
No mid-roll ads.
Hope you enjoy the video and it helps you sleep/study/work/focus or just relax 😴
If you find this video too short, there's an option to loop it on the video settings. If you're on pc just right click the video and then a loop option should appear :)
And then you can use it as a background for anything :D
Channel art/picture made by Youjin Tsukino JIN-JIN ASMR 😊
aggressive asmr bassy fast hand sounds High Gain High Sensitivity mic tapping Tuning Fork unpredictable Асмр агрессивный АСМР Звуки рук 音フェチ асмр 2022