Hello again lovelies! I hope you're doing fantastic. Today's video is one of my longest yet! It's full of tapping with long nails and whispered talking as I show you some of my anime figures c: I think this video is a good showing of my personality :D
If you enjoy my content, please give the videos a like, comment, and make sure you are subscribed and have the bell turned on so you know whenever I upload! ^_^ Trying to get to 3k by the end of 2020.
Follow me on social medias!
Twitter: @asmrblush
Instagram: @asmrblush
TikTok: @asmr blush
Here is The info for Nayuki Draws (Toga figure artist): https://nayukidraws.com/
I started a Ko-fi page to raise the funds for a green screen and new lighting! Donate here: https://ko-fi.com/asmrblush
For business inquiries and to request a custom ASMR video, please email [email protected]
Thank you for watching! xoxo -Blush
#asmrlongnailtapping #asmrwhispering #asmrshowandtell #asmranimefigures #asmrblush #asmrwhisperedchat #asmrtapping
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