ASMR for children ✨ Learn how to draw manga!

Little Glow
Published 8 months ago

Hi! I'm Glow, and this is a place for children to find help relaxing, falling asleep and calming down ✨

Today, we'll be learning how to draw manga!

On this channel, we'll do some fun things together! Read bedtimes stories, color books, learn new things, and travel to different worlds!

For parents: Youtube doesn't allow comments on kids channels so you can email me to let me know if you have feedback/questions: [email protected]
I always thrive to do better for your little ones, and I'm learning as I go! I'll do videos for both younger and older kids so stay tuned!

If you're looking for ASMR for children, relaxation for children, this is the right place!

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asmr asmr bedtime story asmr book reading asmr for children asmr for kids asmr learn how to draw Bedtime Story how to calm down a child how to draw eyes how to draw manga eyes learn how to draw manga little glow little glow bedtime story little glow for children little glow relaxation relaxation for children relaxing video for children relaxing videos for children sleep video for children sleep videos for children videos for children to sleep to

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