A softly spoken video to help you sleep...this video includes plucking, hand movements, positive thoughts and affirmations, whispering, follow my finger, face touching, visual triggers, tapping, massage and close-up attention.
A different style and a new camera, let me know your thoughts below!
Enquiries: [email protected]
To support my channel: https://paypal.me/SimplyMays?locale.x...
I am not a medical professional, these videos are for relaxation and entertainment. If you do have any medical concerns or are struggling with your mental health then please contact a doctor. Some charities that can offer confidential support and advice:
What is ASMR?
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.
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