ASMR Skincare, Pampering, Personal Attention...but you're not quite human

Whispering Willow ASMR
Published 2 years ago

In ASMR Skincare, Pampering, Personal Attention but you're not quite human... I added a little twist where you get your fix of skincare and pampering, BUT theres a little twist and you aren't quite human. I kinda leave it up to you to imagine what kind of creature or being you are. Triggers: skincare, skincare asmr, asmr pampering, leaf cutting, asmr leaf cutting, personal attention asmr, spa asmr, facial asmr, water asmr, spray sounds asmr, pampering asmr, friend asmr, skincare roelplay asmr, crystal asmr, doting,

ALSO this will be my last video filmed in this room because i MOVED!!!! Woohoo!! Bittersweet bc i loved this background but excited for whats to come :) xxoxoxox

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#asmr #personalattention #whisperingwillowasmr

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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Timestamps ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
0:00 Start
0:00-1:26 Intro and pouring you a drink
1:26-3:28 Gloves and Examining You
3:28-5:35 Trimming Your Leaves
5:35-8:00 Giving You a Mist and Washing Your Surface
8:00-10:19 Buffing and Brushing
12:30-15:50 Serums and Elixirs
15:50-17:50 Crystal Additions
17:50-20:17 Deep Breaths and Positive Affirmations

skincare, skincare asmr, asmr pampering, leaf cutting, asmr leaf cutting, personal attention asmr, spa asmr, facial asmr, water asmr, spray sounds asmr, pampering asmr, friend asmr, skincare roelplay asmr, crystal asmr, doting, asmr, personal attention, cozy asmr, asmr personal attention, asmr for sleep, hairbrush, brushing asmr, sketching you, portrait asmr, sketching you asmr, drawing you asmr, hairbrushing asmr, whispered ASMR, hair clipping, fabric scratching, stress plucking, stress snipping, glass tapping, tapping, hair brushing, asmr hairbrushing, skincare, skincare asmr, serum, personal attention asmr, asmr, positive affirmations, whispered asmr, whispering willow asmr, whispering willow, willow asmr, tik tok,

My favorite types of ASMR
- Whispers
- Rain sounds, water sounds
- Nature
- True crime
- Makeup
- Roleplays
- Hauls
What is ASMR?
Autonomous sensory meridian response, sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.

Basically I make quiet noise you go sleep sleep.


asmr asmr for sleep asmr hairbrushing asmr leaf cutting asmr pampering Brushing ASMR cozy asmr crystal asmr Facial ASMR friend asmr glass tapping hair brushing hairbrush hairbrushing asmr pampering asmr personal attention Personal Attention ASMR positive affirmations serum skincare skincare asmr skincare roelplay asmr Spray Sounds ASMR water ASMR Whispered ASMR whispering willow Whispering willow ASMR willow asmr спа асмр

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