ASMR Medical Scalp Check & Ear Cleaning (Whispered)

GinaWhispers ASMR
Published 3 years ago

Update: The option to give a “Super Thanks” is now available on my videos. This means you can give a one-time donation while watching a video and send a personalized, colorful message to stand out in the comment section 💖 DISCLAIMER: This video is for the purpose of relaxation and tingles only! Do not perform a scalp check or an ear cleaning on a real person with sharp or pointed tools

#ASMR #ASMRScalpCheck #ASMRMedicalRoleplay #Earcleaning

------------ please enjoy with headphones ------------

Hello my lovely friends,

thank you so much for visiting me today. So today you came to our clinic for a follow-up visit to check if your sunburned scalp has healed well. After inspecting your scalp carefully with my rattail comb I'm going to remove the flakes from your peeling skin with my medical instruments.
Then I'm going to apply a moisturizing spray and massage it in.
In addition to that there will be a short ear cleaning using a brush and my medical tools (dental pick).

NOTE: This earcleaning is filmed with my Blue Yeti, as I don't have binaural microphones yet. I hope you will like it anyways. It sounds very good I think, but of course it will sound soo much better when I can finally buy the binaural microphones and the audio interface :)

So, back to the video: In this video there will be a lot of parting, inspecting, scratching, gloves sounds, brushing sounds, blowing and whispering etc.

You can just sit back, let go of your thoughts and I hope you can relax a bit.
Enjoy the personal attention and the relaxing crispy sounds and please like (if you like it) and if you want to see more, then please subscribe to my channel.

This video will repeat twice: First in the original version, then with a darkening filter for less bright colours. The darker version begins at 22:22

Lots of love,

Some weeks ago I filmed a similar video, if you like the medical scapl checks, you can find it here:

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🧭 I upload every Saturday


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All donations and tips are used to improve the channel. Thank you so much for your support!

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accent asmr blow blowing Breathing brush cleaning comb crispy dental picks doctor doll head ear Ear Cleaning for sleep gentle gloves hair Handschuhe instrument instruments kopfhautuntersuchung limpieza de oídos medical medical roleplay medizinisch metal Nurse ohren parting personal attention pointed pusten rat tail rat tail comb rattail real hair reinigung revisión del cuero cabelludo rollenspiel scalp check sharp sharp tool slow tingles tool tools whispering 音フェチ

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