Hey my loves! Today I have some positive affirmations to help uplift you and maybe help with your self love. Self-love is so important to me and I want all of my viewers to practice it! Listen to these affirmations and repeat them consistently. I think they’ll help! I love you all 💕
Enjoy ❤️
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Affirmations ASMR anxiety asmr asmr ASMR sleep asmr tapping black girl asmr fall asleep fall asleep fast female asmr finger flutters hand movements insomnia insomnia asmr mouth sounds nails personal attention positive affirmations Positive Affirmations ASMR relax relaxation Sleep ASMR sleep inducing asmr sleep triggers slow hand movements soft whispers tap tapping tingle tingles tingles asmr triniti asmr Triniti j asmr Whisper ASMR