Hello all, here's some build-up scratching on vinyl leggings & on the phone screen!
This is a clip from my "Giantess At Your Door" roleplay which has floor tapping/scratching & crinkly vinyl leggings, click here to watch it: https://youtu.be/WP2kLLzgp6I
My last video: https://youtu.be/vIEr37VkAb4
♥If you would like to help my channel grow, feel free buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/misschicasmr​​
♥The purpose of this video is to help you sleep, relax and relieve symptoms of anxiety. ASMR content is not meant to replace medical therapy. Please speak to a parent/trusted adult or a doctor, if you experience anxiety, panic attacks or depression.
♥Need someone to talk to?
Phone Samaritans: 116 123 (UK)
Suicide Prevention (SANE): 0300 304 7000
#shorts​​ #leggingsscratching #giantess #vinylleggings #vinylpants #leatherpants #leatherscratching #leather #builduptapping #lofiasmr #giantessasmr
ACMP amsr asian asmr asian girl asmr build up build up scratching build up tapping buildup buildup tapping camera tapping crinkles crinkling dormir fabric scratching Feet Filipina floor asmr giantess giantess feet leggings scraching leggings scratching legings Legs lens tapping lens touching listen lofi lofi asmr lowfi pants scratching phone scratching phone tapping piernas relax sleep slow asmr socks tapping touching Your face vinyl vinyl leggings