ASMR Get Unready With Me! | Soft Spoken Makeup Removal

calliope whispers ASMR
Published 6 years ago

Good evening, my loves! I've seen a couple of these videos before, so after I filmed the Weird Kid video I did this one and had it waiting in the wings! It mostly involves me removing my makeup but also includes water sounds, tapping, me braiding my hair, and a bit of self massage when I put my lotion on at the end. Hope you enjoy!

Check me on Twitter for personal updates, edgy song lyrics, or the occasional fangirl tweet at other ASMRtists: @calliopewhisper

This is my and your space for love & relaxation so any negative comments will be deleted and trolling will be promptly put on full blast on my social media platforms :D Thank you!

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Thanks for watching!


asmr AVRIC ear to ear Makeup relaxing stereo tapping tingle tingly water sounds

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