AMSR Intense Slow Mic Scratching/ Mic Brushing with Stiff Brushes - 1 Trigger Only, No Talking

Kirsty ASMR
Published 4 years ago

Hello Everyone

Welcome & welcome back to my channel. Tonight I have some intense mic brushing with stiff bristle brushes for a lovely mic scratching sound. I like to think of these intense scratching videos as brain scratching and scraping, scraping all the worries and stresses out of your brain. I find this very soothing whenever I’m feeling stressed out.

This is the first time I’ve successfully filmed a close up with mimic, do you prefer this to my previous ‘at a distance’ set up? I’m constantly looking to improve the quality of my videos, it’s a learning curve but I’m committed to pursuing it (even as a total technophobe!)

Please let me know if you have any video requests too!

Take care everyone xxx


amsr mic brushing asmr asmr brushing asmr intense brushing asmr mic scratching asmr no talking asmr scratching asmr stiff brush intense mic brushing intense mic scratching mic brushing mic brushing no talking mic scratching mic scratching no talking stiff brush

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