My neighbor asked me for a favor.. #babydove #dove #dovefeeding

Published 8 months ago

Sometimes Dove nests are built very flimsy and the fledgling will fall to the ground. When this happened, we tried fixing the nest and replacing the baby but it fell out again. Luckily, we were able to get this one to safety not knowing it's sibling would have the same fate and unfortunately passed. 😔

I'm posting this and other videos in case anyone else happens to find a baby bird and needs help keeping it healthy like I did when I found lil chick. I WILL answer your questions.

First. I'm feeding it hand feeding baby bird formula. I won't say it's name unless asked due to advertising purposes however it is a GREAT product that replicates the mothers milk in it's crop. "Crop milk."

Feel free to ask away. Please be respectful. Lil Chick gets easily offended as he/she/they/ it is a Gen XYZ so take it easy.. 🐦

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