[ASMR] Full Body Massage on A Water Bed with Relaxing Music [No Talking]

Shiatsu Shane - ASMR Massage
Published 3 years ago

Let yourself drift off to sleep, just like Laura did during this massage, in fact afterwards she had no memory of the back massage part as by that point she had completely gone, soothed to sleep by the lovely massage combined with soothing effect of being laid on warm cushions filled with water. This system created by a man called John Holeman was created to protect therapists hands and wrists from the pressures of giving massage all day and used correctly create a very interesting style of massage unique to those who use @Hydrotherm

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asmr full body massage asmr massage full body hydrotherm massage full body massage Full Body Massage on A Water Bed with Relaxing Music full body water massage Massage ASMR

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