The Best Microphones for ASMR | Testing New Mics

Published 6 years ago

Thank you Jord, for sending me these beautiful watches to make sounds with. :) To win a free watch, click here & enter the giveaway: | For 25$ off, use code: fastasmr
Also, thanks to you guys I was able to get these amazing mics & test them. ♥
0:00 samples
4:10 wood sounds, wood tapping
14:43 crunchy packaging material
17:59 liquid shaking sounds
21:24 ice/cold pack
25:24 rubber succulents

The giveaway winner will be announced in two weeks. ♥

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Due to some of the comments I get on my videos: If you feel like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, please talk to someone ➡️

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asmr asmr mic test asmr rode nt1 ASMR Sound Assortment best asmr microphones crisp asmr sounds fast asmr fastASMR jord watch giveaway jord wooden watch Microphone Test relaxing video rode nt1 stereo test testing microphones testing rode nt1 Video for Sleep

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