Hello, my lovely viewers. Here are ASMR roleplays to help you chill, sleep, study, whatever you desire. You can support if you want:
2ND CHANNEL! http://bit.ly/2nTolZY
💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡
Find Out More:
ROLEPLAYS: http://bit.ly/1UGsUDV
ASMR For Men: http://bit.ly/1M4CJZ8
Dental ASMR: http://bit.ly/1MXKzyw
KISS SOUNDS: http://bit.ly/1RsT1v5
Earplays: http://bit.ly/1ROZ5Ns
MASSAGE: http://bit.ly/1MXKgnx
Makeup: http://bit.ly/1UXxSLU
SALON/SPA: http://bit.ly/1pP5PRR
Cooking: http://bit.ly/25zvDSU
HEALING ASMR: http://bit.ly/1MXJoPJ http://bit.ly/1Vd2vMi
Filipino: http://bit.ly/1RASEeu
UPDATES http://bit.ly/1X1durl
🎙 🎥 🎙 🎥 🎙 🎥 🎙 🎥 🎙 🎥 🎙 🎥 🎙 🎥 🎙
My equipment:
Microphone: http://amzn.to/2fWE6KC http://amzn.to/2fWBXhQ
Recorder: http://amzn.to/2f13ded http://amzn.to/2fXWlmv
Camera: http://amzn.to/2fhwSAH
Lighting: http://amzn.to/2fhqBoM
Thank you for always watching and supporting my videos :) I have enjoyed making them for you in the last few years. Love you, guys!
Type "RELAXASMR" If you read all the way down my description :)
accidentallygraceful amalzd amyblue Asmallrequest asmr asmrdarling ASMRrequests asmrwhispersred Brain cosmictingles danaasmr doctor frivolousfox gentlewhispering gibi gibiasmr glo haircut heatherfeatherasmr hypnosis kiss latte latteasmr Makeup massage mysticalgeek parisasmr pewdiepie ppomo asmr live ppomoasmr scissors shanedawson slimwhispers soy soyasmr spa taylordarling tingting tonibombini tonibomboni