[ASMR] Glitter Makeup On Mannequin Head⭐*REALISTIC* Tapping & Makeup Sounds SATISFYING

Gloss And Tingles ASMR
Published 3 years ago

Hey everyone! Tonight's video is an EXTREMELY satisfying ASMR Makeup & Skincare On Mannequin Head! This is PURE relaxation. Tingly Skincare routine and makeup. Soft peach glam vibes!
⭐ASMR triggers include: Tapping, whispers, makeup sounds, lid sounds, lipgloss and mascara tube pumping sounds, oily creamy sounds, face brushing and stroking, visual triggers and much more! x
Minimal talking. I hope you enjoy it x Sweet dreams x

Please check out asmrplanet if you like this type of video, they are so relaxing ☁️💜

My latest ASMR Makeup Roleplay here: https://youtu.be/v1KNEWYtm_g

✩ S O C I A L M E D I A
instagram: @glossandtinglesasmr https://www.instagram.com/glossandtinglesasmr/
tiktok: glossandtinglesasmr
paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/glossasmr
I appreciate all of your support and kind donations towards helping our channel grow 🤍

✩ C O N T A C T M E
email: [email protected] Business enquires only

This is a calm and positive space for you to unwind and be pampered. Self care is so important, so please take the time to relax. YOU deserve it! I hope you enjoy my videos x Lots of love x Gloss


#asmr #makeup #relaxing


asmr asmr spa asmrplanet doing your makeup face brushing makeup asmr mannequin head

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