ASMR 🏴‍☠️ One Piece Live Action Tier List! Whispered Character & Story Ranking/ Thoughts/ Opinions

Rainessa ASMR
Published 1 year ago

.。.:*☆彡 🏴‍☠️ ⚔️ Hi Friends !! 🏴‍☠️⚔️ (˵ • ᴗ - ˵ ) / It's Rainessa! ☆彡*:.。.

Let's relax & chat about the new Netflix One Piece Live Action show together !~ ◕⩊◕

⚠️ Please note this video contains spoilers for the One Piece LA Netflix show!⚠️

Tonight we will be discussing the characters, casting, acting, story, changes from the anime, costumes, sets, favourite parts, least favourite parts and sooo much more while creating a tier list ranking our beloved One Piece Characters in season 1!~

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions of the show....🖤 I absolutely ADORED 🖤 it!!~ It is a solid 200000 out of 10 for me! It was so hard for me not to put everyone in the S tier! 😂

I can't wait for season two, especially to see my all-time favourite One Piece character Tony Tony Chopper brought to life in Live Action! 🩺 🌸 🦌 ❄️ 💗 🏴‍☠️🥰 It will be really interesting to see how they capture his character! Fingers crossed Jamie Lee Kurtis will play Doctor Kureha! 🤞 I love that idea so much....

Also, should I reboot our ASMR One Piece Manga Book Club? 🤔 💭❕🏴‍☠️ I think we left off on the Alabasta Arc ( a long time ago! lol 🥲 (((sorry!!))))

I hope you will enjoy tonight's One Piece Live Action whispered chit chat/ ramble / tier list, my friends! •⩊•♡

Wishing you the comfiest, coziest, most relaxing, peaceful, restorative, amazing sleep!~ ( u 。u )。。。 💤

Good night & sweet dreams, my friend! 🤍 ☽. ༓ ・ * ˚ ⁺ ‧. ・゚✧ ・

xo Rain 🌧️

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Thank you so much to my channel members - My Rain Droplets! Your support means so much to me!~ ♡ ~(^▽^人) ♡ ♡ Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!♡ ♡

.。.:*☆彡 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓼! ☆彡*:.。.

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Check out these relaxing playlists!!~૮ ᴖﻌᴖა˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖

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ASMR 📕 One Piece 📕 Manga Book club series:

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.。.:*☆彡 𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼! ☆彡*:.。.
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#ASMR #RainessaASMR #OnePiece #OnePieceLA #OPLA #OnePieceLiveAction #NetflixOPLA #Netflix #OnePieceTierList #TierList #Thoughts #Ranking #Opinions #Reivew #Rating #Chitchat #Chat #Discussion #Anime #Manga #Sleep #SweetDreams #Listenable #Relaxing #Whisper #OnePieceCollection #Tingles #TinglyASMR #Manga #Anime #Whispers #Naptime #SleepAid #Goodnight #SweetDreams #zzz #Sleepy #Crinkly #Crinkles #Luffy #Nami #Ussop #Zoro #Sanji #Chopper #Tonytonychopper #Strawhats #Pirates #StrawHatPirates #Arlong #Kuro #CaptainKuro #HawkeyeMihawk #Mihawk #ChefZeff #Zeff #Koby #Helmeppo #Keyboard #KeyboardSounds #Character #Set #Costume #GoingMerry #Merry #Buggy #Buggytheclown #Garp #AxeHandMorgan #ArlongPark #Baratie #Casting #Writing #Directing #Eiichiro #EiichrioOda #Oda #SleepyTriggers #ASMRTriggers #asmrtcg #WhisperRamble #Nakama #mugiwara #parallelcard #RomanceDawn #OnePieceRomanceDawn #RomanceDawn #Shanks #redhairedshanks #Nami #roronoazoro #SyrupVillage #CGI #Computeranimated #SnailPhone


Anime Arlong asmr Baratie calming cgi Chef Zeff chit chat Chopper Collection Discussion Eiichiro Oda Fishman Garp Kuro listenable luffy manga Mihawk nami netflix one piece one piece live action opinions OPLA pirate Ramble ranking rating relaxation relaxing review Shanks Snail Phone soft spoken sounds tapping thoughts tier list tingles tingly Ussop whisper whispered whispering zoro

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