Just relax, don’t think about anything but sleep …. happy thoughts … feel your breathing slow as you calm down, drift off to sleep cuddled up next to me…
Hi everyone! So, I have a new sleep audio for you here, I hope you enjoy it… I’m soothing you to sleep in front of a warm, crackling fire. This soundscape was a top pick in a poll on Patreon, and a lot of you have requested more sleep audios so, thought this might hit the spot right about now 😉
View extended versions of my audios on my Patreon, including "GIVING YOU THE CHOCOLATE SYRUP TREATMENT" ~ Plus, New Monthly Group Live Stream Sessions Available Now
➦ Click to visit my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/skyevibesaudio
I want to thank all of you again for being so sweet and patient while I've been down with this bug ... still messing with me a bit as I'm sure you can tell but, think maybe things are looking up anyway.
I've been doing some brainstorming, talking to some of you, doing some polls and suggestion requests on Patreon. Came up with some new ideas for audios on the way, and some new live stuff in the works too! So, hopefully gonna be back up and hitting it again, and we're going to have some more fun here real soon😉
Those of you on spring break ~ fun weekend coming up here ... take care, be safe and have lots of fun! But if you gotta work instead, I feel ya ... take care and try not to work too hard. Much❤️everyone!
And... my audios are now available on Tingles.com as well!
➦ Click to visit me on Tingles: https://tingles.app.link/Skye-Vibes-Audio
You can also visit me on Twitter and FB:
ASMR Girlfriend Roleplay ~ Story In Bed, Kisses & Cuddles, Falling Asleep With You (I Love You Baby) (Relaxing) (Laughing)
If you like the audio, please be sure to share and like...spread the good vibes for others to enjoy ;)
If you would like to answer some quick feedback questions to help me make audios you love, please do that here...https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXb2yL3-RTxCyy5SiNunB7B52LX6tIHmu0H2RKQeYVx4f0kw/viewform
And don't forget to subscribe to my channel; I'd love to have you join me for my new audio each day!
As always, you are always welcome to share your thoughts or ask away in the comments area below ~ I’ll answer you back as quickly as possible. 😊
Hope you enjoy this new audio guys....
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