ASMR Realistic Barbershop Experience - Haircut and Beard Trim 💈🪒

Lila Rose ASMR 💤
Published 1 year ago

My little trimmer literally snapped whilst I was filming this 😢 i don’t know if it still sounds the same but had to use both hands to make it work. THEN the bin lorry came down the road mid filming (its a single track very uneven dirt road) and completely threw me off

00:34 Cape
01:42 Discussing Styles
04:21 Manual Trimmer
09:57 Water Spray
11:21 Cutting Your Hair
19:58 Cleansing Your Face
21:04 Shaving
24:55 Towel
27:36 Beard Trim
30:00 Ear Burning
32:16 Moisturiser
33:20 Styling Hair
35:20 Cape Removal & Photos

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Lila ♥️

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