Furniture Consignment Shop Walk Through Part II 8-1-2019

SouthernASMR Sounds
Published 5 years ago

NOTE #1: I apologize for my hair looking like the witches rode in it. I went to "get mah hair did" right after leaving the store, and I like to keep it as product-free as possible when I go do that. It was super windy outside, turning my head into a whirly nightmare.

NOTE #2: I ultimately didn't buy the dresser that I showed you at the end. Oh, and yes, I did buy that bookshelf. :)


We're back in the second location of The Red Collection in Greensboro, NC. Come look at the cool stuff! I'd never been in this location, either, and I really enjoyed seeing all the nice things they have. I can't wait to have my stuff delivered! It's coming next week! :)

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