Affirmations for Setting Boundaries (WHISPERED) | Tapping and Hand Rubbing |

Blue Violet ASMR
Published 1 year ago

Are you a people pleaser? Do you struggle to put yourself first?

For me it’s a “yes” to both.

These are affirmations that are helpful to hear over and over again so that they can make their way into your subconscious.

You are important. You are not here on this planet to satisfy the whims of others. You deserve to take up space and to be heard.

How have you healed from people pleasing? Or, maybe “healed” is an extreme notion, how have developed a stronger sense of self?

Shoulders back, chest forward, chin up, eyes forward. Set your body up and your mind will follow.

Move with conviction.
Tell people how you feel.
If you aren’t sure of what’s going on, ask.
You deserve to understand those you allow in your life.

Preserve your energy, use it for things that will enrich your visit here on the planet.

Yes, I have to tell myself this all the time.


affirmations asmr build confidence I'm wearing a new dress and my hair totally covers it up Preserve Your Energy Put Yourself First self help Setting boundaries

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