Teach Me How to Say "Don't worry" in YOUR Language [PierreG ASMR]

PierreG ASMR
Published 6 years ago

Can you teach me how to say "don't worry" in your language? You might have watched my "I love you" or "good night" ASMR videos in several languages? I would like to make this one in the same style. I asked you in the Community Tab to choose between different expressions and "don't worry" received the most votes.
I'm making this video to ask you if you could record a short audio file in your language where you say "don't worry" once at normal speed and one more time slowly and then send it to me to this address:
[email protected]

Ah, don't forget to write the name of your language too! :)

Thanks a lot!

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ASMR Playlist:
French: https://goo.gl/Y6IdN7
Japanese: https://goo.gl/jF7ejM
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English: https://goo.gl/C861LY
Hungarian: https://goo.gl/zY6XNw
Italiano: https://goo.gl/kCBU8c


asmr don't worry don't worry different languages don't worry in 50 languages don't worry in arabic don't worry in chinese don't worry in different languages don't worry in french don't worry in german don't worry in japanese don't worry in korean don't worry in russian don't worry in spanish don't worry languages how to say don't worry how to say don't worry in 50 different languages how to say don't worry in 50 languages languages pierreg asmr polyglot whisper

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