Welcome to the Cozy Hospital! You've come into our urgent care clinic today because your ears have been plugged up ever since you went swimming and you're having a hard time hearing. Our doctor will examine your ears, your nose and throat, as well as your facial lymph nodes. She will then conduct a hearing test to check the depth of your hearing loss before cleaning your ears.
0:00 Intro
0:10 Asking you questions and putting on gloves
1:22 Taking your temperature
2:11 Moving your head to check your balance
3:27 Otoscope exam
6:00 Throat and nose exam
7:30 Eye exam
7:57 Lymph node exam
9:36 Placing plastic covers over earphones
11:14 Hearing test, beep test
14:55 Otoscope exam, wiggling your ears
16:59 Unwrapping ear pick
17:35 Wrapping drape around you
18:36 Ear cleaning with a pick
23:56 Right ear clears
26:15 Left ear clears
26:39 Otoscope exam
28:01 Repeat face exam, face touching
29:11 Moving your head back and forth with my hands
30:00 Hearing test with whispering
31:42 External ear cleaning with swab
34:11 Writing you up a prescription for ear drops
Please be aware that this video is intended for entertainment, relaxation and ASMR purposes. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, educate or accurately depict issues or illnesses or procedures. Many of the procedures are altered for ASMR purposes and because I'm not filming in an actual medical facility. (Some of them are completely fictional they just involve neat sounds.) Please consult your doctor or a reputable health care source if you have any health questions or concerns.
What is ASMR? ASMR is a tingling sensation often felt on the scalp, neck, shoulders and back, although you may feel tingles in other places as well! ASMR is triggered by different types of stimuli. It can be personal attention, gentle touch, hand movements, crinkling, tapping sounds... there are lots of different types of ASMR triggers and everyone is different when it comes to what triggers their ASMR! If you'd like to know more, check out this wiki article here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASMR
#asmr #asmrroleplay #personalattention
a s m r askr ASME asmr asmt cosy cosy hospital role play roleplay