hiya everyy body,
im back back back back back again! sorry for the break, my school semester started. here i am whispering soft, low and slow...shushing, telling you i believe in you & you matter bb. it's ok ♡ you are gonna get thru this.
ps if i look tired, i was lol my b
if u want to help w textbooks/medical bills: venmo @MelMarie22
it's more important than ever to stand for what is just.
be kind, love each other, and remember: BLACK LIVES MATTER.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CIfMQED_B444Y-K8kAqUOgq8xrSFdSrjFBRnyK6wmz4/edit (GUIDE TO ALLYSHIP)
https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/13O7yipKHeIF2-QJ_K9IKIdLQAlN8NgEOF62qQjUjEVM/mobilebasic (HUGE LIST OF RESOURCES)
asmr for anxiety asmr friend asmr shh calm caring friend comforting comforts you its ok to cry its okay to cry mel marie shh its ok shh shh shushing whispering