This video is a collaboration with Happiness Boutique! :)
Thank you Happiness Boutique for sending me this beautifull necklace for free!
Check out their website:
Necklace from the video:
Get 10% discount with my code: MelMelonieASMR (for orders from 28. Oct until 28. Nov that are over 29€)
Hey :) I'm Melanie and this is my ASMR channel. All my videos should help you to fall asleep or just to relax you (or make you laugh if you don't know ASMR and came here for a different reason, that's ok ;D). For some people those videos are strange and that's totally fine but please just let those people who enjoy them have a good time here. Life can be hard, so don't waste your time and energy on trying to be mean or something like that. Be kind and nice and enjoy your time here. :)
You are beautiful! 😊🌼🌻🌼 Have an amazing day! All of you ❤
❤ Amazon-Wishlist:
If you want to give something back you can order something from my Amazon Wishlist and the package will be shipped to me dircetly. More and more people are asking for custom videos, so this is a way to get something close to it and where you can choose how much you want to spend :)
!! Every present I get from my Wishlist will be unboxed / mentioned in an exclusive thank you video, that I will post on my channel. You can tell me triggers you like when you order or per mail/comment. I will mention your name if that is ok and I try to include your requested triggers as long as I feel comfortable doing them or as I am able to do them.
E-Mail (business inquiries): [email protected]
Lovely ASMR creators:
Zeneia's ASMR -
ASMR Kati -
May's ASMR -
DreamChase ASMR -
Heide Liza ASMR -
Jimeny ASMR -
I got the necklase you can see in the video for free. Everything I am saying is my own opinion.
Products in my videos are often used in a different way (than what the product is usually ment for) or I say things about them, that have nothing to do with the "real" product!
Roleplays are mostly not realistic.
I am not a doctor and "treatments" are just a simulation! If you have a problem please ask a professional for help!
#asmr #happinessboutique #collaboration
asmr asmr german asmr hand asmr tapping assistant blue yeti BOUTIQUE collaboration fast finger fluttering hand movements hand sounds happiness intense jewellery kopfkribbeln melmelonie mouth sounds mouthsounds personal attention pure pure hand sounds relax relaxing repeating repetition review roleplay sleep sounds sponsor sponsorship tapping tingles tingly tongue clicking trigger words triggers whispering