ASMR Asking You PERSONAL Medical Questions | Sleepy Typing, Soft Speaking | Welcome to the Starship!

Amy Kay ASMR
Published 3 years ago

In this video the medical officer on the starship needs to ask your personal questions about your medical history so she can get you all set up! There is a ton of typing and soft speaking, with a little bit of an exam at the end :)

0:00 Welcome to the Starship!
3:22 The Many Questions Begin!
37:09 Questions End!
38:10 Quick Exam and DNA Collection

Twitter: @AmyKayASMR
Instagram: AmyKayASMR
TikTok: AmyKayASMR

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Curious Bowser, Aetheros C., Alas K., Alex A., Alexander B., Alexandre B., Anton B., Apollo, Aria N., Ascune, Austen P., Badass Dino, Bear, BraveVesperia, Brendan M, BsmSmo04, Cassandra, Dana H., Daniel L., Darin R., David M., Dense Mass, Dz.Crasher, Eli I., Emanuel, Erik, Esgaroth, F, Fabian W., Fabio D., Garage, Hadley M., Hawkeye P., Hollow, Jack B., Jacob C., Jacquelyn W., JBR231, JK, Joel Y., John G., John Gr., Jornations, Lieutenant Walrus, Lizzon, Lock, McDergan, Miguel G., Mika K., Mingy, Mr. Pendulum, Nikita S., Not Brandon, Owen L., Paddy W., Patrick H., Richie C., Rick G., Rob of Wonder, Sarah B., Skyler N., Sophia K., SteadiestRhyme, Sulky, TheRagingSkwrl, Vector Knight, Viktor M., Will C., Will P., Yoriz
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