A long overdue video where I read viewer mail but first talk about 2 upcoming videos, once of which you can participate in.
How you can participate in an upcoming Post Apocalyptic themed ASMR video:
I would like to create a future video where the character I play has found various letters or journal entries. That's where you come in: you can "participate" in this video by sending in a letter written as if you are, or were, living in a Post Apocalyptic time. Just make up your own character, write a letter as if it were a journal entry, a letter to a loved one, maybe a classified military document, whatever you can think up and send it to the address below. Once I receive a decent amount I'll then do a post-apocalyptic ASMR video and read the letters my character "found".
If you don't want to get involved but still want to send in a letter or postcard for me to read, you can mail it to the address below:
The letter for the Post Apocalyptic video should be 1 page and written on one or both sides. This will ensure that everyone who sends in a letter has equal time on camera for their letter to be read.
All Video Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChRV-sCl5Fma4qm_hFpDKBQ/playlists
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Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ephemeralrift1
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/EphemeralRift
Official Instagram: http://instagram.com/e.rift
Official Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108518467821265922047/+EphemeralRift/
asmr Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response calming mail relaxing soothing tingles viewer Vlog whispering