Welcome back to my channel! This videos includes tapping sounds using rhinestone fingers!
00:01 preview
01:06 rhinestone fingers
04:04 rhinestone sheet
10:05 cork coaster
16:51 bamboo lid
22:53 leather sheet
28:06 iPhone
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#asmr #asmrnotalking
asmr asmr fast tapping asmr fast tapping no talking asmr mic scratching asmr no talking asmr relax asmr rhinestone no talking asmr rhinestone scratching asmr rhinestone tapping asmr rhinestones asmr rough scratching asmr scratching ASMR Scratching no talking ASMR sleep asmr tapping ASMR Tapping and Scratching asmr tapping and scratching fast asmr tapping and scratching no talking asmr tapping fast asmr tapping no talking asmrmagic rhinestones