Choose Your Superpower! | Pick the Best from 4 Random Powers Ep.5

ASMR Cheater
Published 2 years ago

Choose which superpower is best and explain why? In this episode, we rolled 4 random superpowers and got: 1. Flesh Mimicry, 2. Candy Artillery, 3. Book Immersion, and 4. Space Rock Attacks.

Obviously, I picked the best one and gave a perfect explanation, or did I?

This video series is partly inspired by Cartoonlord's ( @Cartoonlord ) series of Choose your Devil Fruit videos. Good stuff and good guy, check him out.


book immersion candy artillery cartoonlord choose a gift choose a power choose a superpower choose one choose your favorite choose your favorite power choose your gift choose your power choose your superpower flesh mimicry geek ramble nerd ramble powerlisting powers Ramble random gifts random powers random superpowers space rock attacks super power vs superpower fight superpowers superpowers vs vs

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