I got Personal Color From OG Academy Creator in Tokyo, Japan (Soft Spoken ASMR)

Published 2 years ago

academy name: HAPPY SPIRAL 東京銀座のパーソナルカラー診断、メイクスアドバイス、顔タイプ診断®、骨格診断のハッピースパイラル
address: Tokyo, 4mins walk from Ginza station
CEO name: Okada Jitsuko san
menu I got: Personal color analysis, face and body type, fashion, accessories
(note: session is 2, 3 hours long depending on the menu. It's impossible to show every detail of the session on the video, but just know the session is even detailed than this. You can go outside for shopping with them, there is a full session menu that including literally everything including shopping advice).
*Offering this service in English is impossible for the staff. So make sure you understand Japanese well and can communicate.
No present for ASMR Twix Subscribers. Initially they were offering academy creator's book for free but they stopped due to some reasons. I (Twix) have no control over this situation, so I'm sorry for it!
booking website for customers: https://happy-spiral.com
academy website for students: https://happyspiral-academy.com
CEO Instagram page: jitsuko.ok https://www.instagram.com/jitsuko.ok/
CEO YouTube channel: @kaotype
Face type analysis book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.jp/顔タイプ診断®で見つかる本当に似合う服-岡田実子/dp/4761273909
Face type make up book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.jp/自分史上最高のキレイが手に入る顔タイプメイク®-岡田-実子/dp/4761275154

*Our massage tools are used in Japanese spa and salons for customers from this year*
Experience your every day spa and stress free lifestyle with our massage tools and beautiful earrings.
USA main shop: https://pleasetakecareofme.shop/
Japan shop: https://minne.com/@asmrtwix-jp

*You can contact spa&salons that we're currently*
working with in Japan for more info through Instagram
accounts below! Online purchase is available for all
over the Japan, so please don't hesitate to contact
spa&salons in other prefectures!
Thank you so much, Twix!
@marysbeaute.meguro - online and in store purchase
@glow.by.tomoko - online and in store purchase
@yukomomoki_aesthetician - online and in store purchase
@luchuna_keiko - online and in store purchase
@fuyu_happyー online and in store purchase
@miyovilla_aromaー in store purchase
@nagisa.beauty - online and in store purchase
@crownbrownhair - online and in store purchase

*Answers for frequently asked questions*
1. I have been living in Japan for several years now. I'm a Student + SPA reviewer
2. For privacy issues, I prefer to keep my ethnicity, real name, age, address in private.
3. I don't get treatment that often as I post them frequently. I balance treatments schedule considering my skin and health condition.
4. Why "Twix"? Me and My sister work on creating these contents together. As you know Twix chocolate bar has 2 pieces. So, I'm not the only creating these videos. My sister👩 is behind the camera as Camerasister. So we thought that would be fair If I add my sister's name. Of course, not directly adding her name.
5. Camerasister prefers to work behind the camera. I hope you will respect her decision.
6. Don't worry Camerasister gets her own sessions off cmaera.
7. We don't do "Whispering" and "No talking" videos.
8. All the places I show on this channel aren't sponsored. If I get sponsored on my videos, I'll definitely mention about sponsorship in the videos according to YouTube sponsorship terms and conditions.
9. You can visit all these relaxing places on my channel.
Often there're special discounts or sometimes special gifts just for my subscribers.
10. Many of you worry about hair types, language barrier or just being nervous. BUT we always make sure to ask about these concerns from the places. All of them are very kind and foreigner welcomed places. All require booking beforehand!
11. Do I have any other social media?
I have Instagram account @asmr.twix . You can follow me using this link: https://www.instagram.com/asmr.twix/?igshid=giuqc3yz25xw
12. Do I have small business?
Yes, I have! It's called Please take care of me...
You can purchase Terahertz massage and facial tools.
our Instagram: @please_takecareofme

I hope you had fun reading my short Q&A!
Thank you for supporting our family! Like & Subscribe!

#ASMR #asmrtwix


asmr asmr twix asmr twix japan asmr twix massage color color analysis gibi japan Japan color personal color personal color analysis sleep twix color twix japan unintentional asmr

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