ASMR Fast & Aggressive Mic Scratching with Stiff Bristle Brushes On Cover - No Talking After Intro

Kirsty ASMR
Published 3 years ago

Hello Lovely People

Hope you're all doing so well today. Today I'm revisiting a well loved video for a part 2, I hope you enjoy these aggressive brushing & scratching sounds on the mic cover.



Aggressive ASMR aggressive fast asmr aggressive mic brushing aggressive mic brushing asmr aggressive mic scratching asmr asmr asmr aggressie fast asmr aggressive asmr aggressive mic brushing asmr aggressive mic scratching asmr aggressive scratching asmr fast aggressive asmr fast mic brushing ASMR FAST MIC SCRATCHING asmr kirsty asmr mic brushing asmr mic scratching fast asmr fast brushing asmr fast mic scratching fast scratching asmr kirsty asmr

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