Hey guys! ๐ I finally got the time to create another asmr video, and I really enjoyed it (so much that it almost got cut short because I got so tired). I hope you guys enjoy this video and feel relaxed by it too.
I guess my new year resolutions have been all about taking the time for hobbies I have lost during school last year. Since I had to study to the point where I nearly did not have the time for anything else, I kind of lost my spirit. But this school year has been less heavy, because I have less time consuming subjects, which means I have more time for other things. Therefore, I have gradually been working on getting my hobbies back, such as working out, hiking and making asmr content on this channel. It has been a slow prosess, but I think I am starting to work out a good routine. However, since I will be graduating high school in a few months, I will probably have to study a lot for several exams and ect. in the following weeks. So because of that, I do not want to promise anything. But I truly want to get a good routine in and prioritize the hobbies that makes me happy. โค๏ธ
Thank you for all the lovely comments and the support. It really melts my heart to see that one of my hobbies, that I really enjoy working on and experimenting with, can help someone else out, in the same way that other asmr channels have helped me out throughout the years. I really appreciate the community we have created!