#asmr #tappingandscratching #whispering
I have listened to ASMR now for about 7 years. I always experienced it but never really new what it was until I saw an article in the newspaper that it had taken off on YouTube. As soon as I started watching it I realised that the tingly Relaxing feeling I had had all these years was ASMR. Since that day I have watched ASMR nearly every night to help me sleep or help if I have anxiety. I always wanted to start my own channel but never thought I could, but I finally went for it so see if I could help relax any other people out there who also love ASMR. My mic isn’t very good and I’m very new to creating my own ASMR so please don’t be too harsh on me 🙈 if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and please subscribe 😁 I will definitely make more if this takes off 🥰 thanks everyone
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