[ENG] ASMR 吃火锅🍲聊聊天👄 Eat and Chat with Me in Mandarin【中文轻语助眠】
Hi!! Come here and eat and chat with me today! Whispered life ramble in Mandarin (with English sub). About me, my channel, and life in general!
00:00 About this video
03:16 Food for today
04:00 Open a Coke
05:47 Eating
08:17 About me
09:20 About making videos
11:56 Eating
15:40 More chatting
19:16 Eating
22:42 Life ramble
24:43 Outro
#asmreating #asmrramble #asmrwhisper #asmrfood #asmrmukhbang
asmr asmr chatting with you asmr close whisper ramble asmr eat and chat with me asmr eat and chat with me in mandarin asmr eating asmr eating and chatting asmr life ramble asmr life update ramble asmr ramble life update asmr ramble whisper asmr up close whisper ramble asmr whisper ramble life update