ASMR LoFi Doing Your Makeup - Personal Attention and Visual Triggers (NO TALKING)

Published 5 years ago

Note: This video is meant to quite quiet with soft music. It is lofi so there is some white noise as well. If you like, you can watch it on mute for visual triggers only. :)

0:03 - Face touching
0:33 - Applying cleanser
1:37 - Towel
2:46 - Makeup brush 1, applying powder
4:54 - Makeup brush 2, applying eyeshadow
6:26 - Makeup brush 3, applying blush
7:30 - Makeup brush 2, applying highlights
8:00 - Applying eyeliner with pencils and makeup brush 4
10:53 - Eyelash curler
11:40 - Mascara wands (aka spoolies)
13:36 - Lipgloss
14:16 - Comb
15:22 - Makeup brushes 1 and 3

You change check out my last "Doing Your Makeup (NO TALKING)" video (from almost a year ago!) here:

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P.S. I'll have a silly little reveal when I reach 4444 subscribers. :D


anxiety asmr asmr camera brushing asmr doing your makeup ASMR Face Brushing asmr lofi ASMR LoFi Doing Your Makeup - Personal Attention and Visual Triggers (NO TALKING) asmr makeup asmr makeup no talking asmr no talking asmr personal attention asmr visual asmr visual triggers ASMR without sound ASMR You Can Watch on Mute camera brushing doing your makeup lofi Makeup mascara no talking personal attention relaxation ReySMR sleep visual asmr стресс

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