Hello there ❤️
Tonight’s video is just simple mic scratching and nail tapping with some random triggers mixed in. I hope you enjoy.
Please don’t forget to subscribe and join our little family! I’d love to have you 🌟
Safe space for all 💜🤍💚🖤🤎🧡💙❤️
00:00 fluffy mic scratching and nail tapping
7:17 glitter roller tapping
8:04 fluffy mic scratching
8:45 scratching on mic no cover
9:18 unicorn brush
9:35 scratching on mic and nail tapping
11:20 scratching fluffy mic/nail tapping
12:35 tapping on lotion bottle
12:44 scratching on mic
asmr fall asleep asmr long nails asmr mic scratching asmr nail tapping asmr relax long nail tapping nail napping