{ASMR} Getting You Ready for a Pride Parade!

Laurel Canyon ASMR
Published 2 years ago

Hey cool cats! In today' video I pick out your outfit for pride and do your eyeshadow! I also included some positive affirmations that are just sprinkled in around the video. I hope if you are struggling with feeling accepted this video can be safe space for you. Also, I couldn't include this in the video, but this week, I donated to the "It Gets Better" Project! As always, sleep well and enjoy! :)

Link to an article with some LGBTQ+ organizations to donate to this month if you also plan on donating(not sponsored, just passionate about helping the LGBTQ+ community)! : https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/g32917782/best-lgbtq-charities-to-donate/

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurel_canyon_asmr/

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