"Hey guys - I'm working on a project to bring us closer together and I wanna know more about you.
There's a link in the description below. If you fill out the survey you will receive $10 in Amazon credit for hopping on a call. Check it out." http://bit.ly/boogerz
This video documents the beginning of a painting project that I will turn in for a grade when it is complete. I am currently working on several painting projects, and I'm excited to share with you some of this process.
@actual.laurel for artwork
@sugar_boogerz for satisfying vids
@qweensativa for pics of me
Check it out! New York Magazine featured me in an online article about ASMR!
art toutorial asmr asmr art asmr painting asmr painting mixing asmr whispers painting video relaxing videos Sleep Aid Soothing ASMR