Hello my little students :)
In this video I am going to be speaking about the filed of Behavioural Economics and give some examples of how we behave economically irrational, (cognitive biases). Behavioural economics is the study of psychology and micro-economics, it is used in marketing and business strategies, but can be applied anywhere in our daily lives.
In this video I will be going though:
- The Sunk Cost Fallacy
- Why theme parks suck (I don't know the fancy word for this fallacy)
- The problem of having too many options
-Loss aversion
-The price of free
Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely
NPRPlanet Money Podcast - Episode 803: Nudge, Nudge, Nobel
Really interesting podcast, where an economist gives dating advice (mentioned in the video)
These links of the podcasts also include the transcript, if you want to read instead of listen.
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