Hotel ASMR

ASMR Alysaa
Published 5 years ago

hey everyone. I'm currently on vacation and this is the only video I have recorded and uploaded in about 2-3 weeks. all other videos you guys have seen were pre-recorded and schedualed to be on YouTube. if you guys were worried about the previous video with no smiling, don't worry 😃😁😅 when I do " no talking" videos I kinda get in the zone and feel relaxed and just enjoy being Relaxed 😊 and also I was probably still under the weather when filming and a bit tired because I was making a bunch of videos before I left for vacation so it wouldn't seem like I was gone.
I've got tones if little videos and pictures on Instagram if you wanna see more. internet in hotels is so slowwww so uploading longer videos to YouTube takes too long.
:) 😘🤗🦊🐈🐧

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