Lots of delicious face brushes and mouth sounds like tongue clicking, tiko, tiko, tut, tut, wet mouth sounds, and more. Much Love and positive vibez to you this week!
If you would like to donate to support this channel. $5 will get a thank you postcard with my art (please include address in your note). Thank you so much: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=C22SDKT3RMHK4
personalattention satisfyingasmr satisfyingvideos studyambiance asmr asmrvoiceover crunchysounds facebrushing facetouching gentleasmr inaudiblesounds inaudiblewhispering Inaudiblewhispersasmr natureambiance positiveasmr satisfiyngasmr sexymouthsounds tikotiko tikotikotuttut tingles tinglyasmr tongueclickingasmr tongueclicks UnintelligibleWhispering unintelligiblewhispersasmr upclosetingles visualasmr wetmouthsounds