ASMR || A Pure Whispered Ramble 💜

ASMR Nirvana
Published 2 years ago

Hey everyone!!

In this ASMR video, I whisper ramble about my life, prom, summer, passions, driving, and a bunch of other random little topics. It only includes whispering as a trigger. Like with all of my rambles, I had a wonderful time letting my thoughts flow out. I think it really helps me to talk about what i’ve been thinking, so I hope you guys enjoy it too :) As I mentioned in the video, I think that all of you should totally try it at some point, it’s very healing!

My insta: @itznirvana_

My music channel: Between The Grooves


Again, huge thank you to all of my loving patrons,

Hannah S
Chloe Copper
Blaine B
Tyler Garner
Alex S
Joe L
Cameron Simpson
Jakov Rad
Amy Cadden
Trenton S
Fahad likes coconuts

I hope each and every single one of you has a very nice night :)


asmr asmr life update asmr nirvana asmr pure whispered ramble asmr ramble asmr rambling ASMR whisper asmr whispered ramble ramble asmr

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