Fellow Tingleheads, this installment of Thrifty Thursday ended up to be more of a Thrifty Thriday -- the upload took a very long time tonight, I'm very sorry for the wait! This video is about a minute shy of an hour long, so I hope you find some tingles in there somewhere :) In this video I discuss two awesome thrift store finds, one that I can't even believe was priced at only fifty cents! Enjoy :)
If you're new to Thrifty Thursday, there are 3 simple rules I must follow:
1.) I have to find a tingle-worthy item or items at a thrift store, and I'm limited to a budget of $5 or less.
2.) The item(s) must be something I'll make use of in my life for the foreseeable future, aside from use in the video.
3.) Each time I visit the thrift store, I must make a donation of items I'm no longer using that could benefit someone else.
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign: http://goo.gl/MFBVVc
For anyone interested, here is a link to my Virtual Reality related channel: http://goo.gl/36fZ1f
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here: http://goo.gl/z3jkl8
Common triggers included: soft speaking, whispering, tapping, mindful movements, page turning
Enjoy, like, subscribe! And I love hearing from you, so drop me a comment :D
asmr calm calming hypnosis page turning relax relaxation relaxing sleep soft speaking soft spoken tapping tingles whispering